Adriana Marín-Toro
I’m currently a PhD student at the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil. My research interests intersect urban studies and economic sociology to address the social production of the rental housing market, especially in Latin America. More broadly, I seek to investigate the coproduction of city, market and class. My on-going PhD Thesis analyses the use of rental housing as a new asset class in a post-Global Financial Crisis context in which the private rental market has grown in several cities around the world and where some cities in Latin America have been no exception. The research indicates that this growth in the rental markets is a process of expanding frontiers by global finance in a movement involving several actors such as states, financial actors, real estate and multilateral agencies, for the construction of a new asset class. This process involves changes in the owner-tenant relationship, in the tenants’ relationship with housing, in the forms of real estate production, production and consumption of space.
Recent publications
Marín-Toro, Adriana. (Org.); Guerreiro, Isadora. (Org.); Santoro, Paula Freire (Org.); Rolnik, Raquel (Org.). Seminário internacional moradia de aluguel na América Latina: estado, finanças e mercados populares: caderno de resumos /. 1. ed. São Paulo: LabCidade FAUUSP, v. 1. 228p. ISBN: 978-65-00-14286-0, 2020.
Link, Felipe, Marín-Toro, Adriana, Valenzuela, Felipe. “Geografías del arriendo en Santiago de Chile. De la vulnerabilidad residencial a la seguridad de tenencia”. Revista Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, Vol. XIX (61), 507-542, 2019.
Marín-Toro, Adriana; Link, Felipe; Valenzuela, Felipe. “Arriendo en propiedad: arraigo y vulnerabilidad residencial en el Barrio Puerto de Valparaíso”. Revista INVI Vol. 32, No 90, 2017.