Jimly Al Faraby
Iām a Lecturer at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia and a PhD student at Cardiff University in UK. My research interests cover the topics of streets and public space, community design and planning, rural planning, and urban informality My PhD thesis seeks to address theoretical gaps related to the planning, design and management of ordinary streets in the organic urban form of informal settlements in the developing world. Although the context of informal settlements is common, the complexity of their physical and spatial structure is under-explored, and there is limited information how streets in informal settlements are produced, used, and managed. Therefore, my research focuses on streets in kampung - Indonesian informal settlements - in Yogyakarta, investigating the spatial structure, use, and power dynamics shaping kampung streets through a case study of two contrasting urban kampung.
Recent Publications
Al Faraby, J. (2018). Publicness of streets in informal settlements: The case of Indonesian kampung;
Al Faraby, J. (2018). Community disruption and adaptation: The role of the street as a social place in informal settlements in the era of motorised transport;
Hidayati, I., & Al Faraby, J. (2017). The Missing Links in Agritourism: A Lesson from Rural Development Project. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis (pp. 235-243). Springer, Singapore.