Kazi Nazrul Fattah

Kazi Nazrul Fattah

I’m currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Connected Cities Lab. My research explores the various modes of engagement and entanglements between informal settlement residents and the formal state in a Southern megacity. It also examines how urban geographies of difference are produced through various policy discourses.

Recent Publications

  1. Fattah, K. N. and Walters, P. (2020). A good place for the poor!: Counter-narratives to territorial stigmatisation from two informal settlements in Dhaka. Social Inclusion, 8:1, 55-65

  2. Fattah, K. N. (2020). Bihari Muharram processions in Dhaka city: Religious performance as a means of territorialising urban public space by a disenfranchised ethnic minority. Visual Studies, 35:2-3, 161-168

  3. Camellia, S. and Fattah, K. N. (2021) Torn between two worlds: Unsettled sense of place and belongingness between old and new homelands during a global pandemic. Portal - Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 17:1-2, 62-66

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