Mai Yoshida
I am a Research Fellow of Japan Society of Promotion at Ferris University in Japan. I received my PhD in Sociology from Tokyo Metropolitan University where my dissertation examined the impacts of globalisation on the Aetas in Pampanga, Philippines. I am continuing my qualitative research that broadly interrogates the urban environment, state policies, and the relationship between the lifestyles of marginalised workers in society. My recent research projects focus on 1) the political relationship between urban development and the lives of street people in urban settings in the Philippines, and 2) the informality of migrant policy, focusing on the labor management of migrant workers in Japan.
Recent Publications
Yoshida, Mai, 2021, The indebted and Silent Worker: Paternalistic Labor Management in Foreign Labor Policy in Japan, Critical Sociology, Vol.47, Number1, p.73-89.
Yoshida, Mai, 2018, "Labor sociology of indigenous people: Living at the bottom of Filipino society", Fukyo-sha (in Japanese) .