Nabanita Islam

Nabanita Islam

Iā€™m a PhD candidate at Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore. My current research project attempts to reconceptualize urban street-based informal economic activities as essential livelihood, and investigates the underlying negotiation process between the street traders' motivation, assets and surrounding urban environment and its systems. For this, location becomes a focal point to trace down other strategies adopted by street traders. Both spatial and socio economic analysis methods will be implemented to identify the barriers that hinders the sustainability of these livelihoods and achieving an inclusive urban environment for them.

Recent Publication

Islam, N. & Zhang, Y.: Exploring the interrelation between street trading and urban form in Dhaka: A new morphological approach, Proceedings of 10th Conference of the International Forum of Urbanism (IFoU), December 2017, Hong Kong, 360-369

Qusai Anteet

Qusai Anteet

Soumya Dasgupta

Soumya Dasgupta