Neeraj Dangol
I’m currently working as a sessional teaching staff and research assistant at the University of Melbourne. My research interests include informal urbanism mainly on informal settlements and housing; tenure security; disaster risk reduction and risk perception; community resilience and adaptation; poverty and inequality; and governance. My PhD thesis investigated how perceptions of tenure security and flood risk concurrently affect the flood adaptations that riverbank informal residents in Kathmandu make to their houses. The data were collected through 40 semi-structured in-depth interviews of residents and observations of flood adaptations made to their houses. Thematic analysis of interviews and the assessment of flood adaptations made, showed that perceptions of tenure security, flood risk, and also socio-economic conditions, together influence flood adaptation among residents. The influence of these factors on adaptation varied depending on residents’ experiences, priorities and personal situation.
Recent Publications
Dangol, N., & Carrasco, S. (2019). Residents’ self-initiatives for flood adaptation in informal riverbank settlements of Kathmandu. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101156.
Dangol, N., & Day, J. (2017). Flood adaptation by informal settlers in Kathmandu and their fear of eviction. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 7(2), 147-156.
Carrasco, S., & Dangol, N. (2020). Community Resilience Through Self-Help Housing Adaptations: Examples from Nepal and the Philippines. In: Sanderson, D. and Bruce, L. (eds.) Urban Disaster Resilience in the Asia-Pacific: Disasters, Climate Change and Resilience in the Built Environment. Taylor and Francis Group