Noshin Siara Promy

Noshin Siara Promy

I’m currently an Assistant Professor at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Bangladesh

Recent Publications

1. Promy, N.S., & Muntasir, H., (2019). RE-EVALUATING PUBLIC SPACE IN URBAN SLUM: A CASE OF KORAIL BASTI. Paper published in Re-evaluating Space Across Disciplines‚ Proceedings of the 12th FARU International Research Conference (Faculty of Architecture Research Unit) at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, pp. 377-384.

2. Muntasir, H., & Promy, N.S., (2019). RELEASING THE BARRIERS OF OVER SANCTIFICATION OF A SACRED SPACE: Re-evaluating functional configuration and usage of mosques in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Paper published in Re-evaluating Space Across Disciplines‚ Proceedings of the 12th FARU International Research Conference (Faculty of Architecture Research Unit) at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, pp. 358-365.

Ha Thai

Ha Thai

 Hsi-Chuan Wang

Hsi-Chuan Wang