Alexandre da Silva Faustino

Alexandre da Silva Faustino

I’m a PhD student at the Centre for Urban Research - RMIT University (Australia). I am broadly interested in research about urban informality drawing from diverse epistemological bases. I am particularly interested in investigations about how dwellers of informal urban settlements deal with their conditions of water access and sanitation provision. I am studying how indigenous and riverine communities of informal settlements in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, organize themselves through grassroots strategies to challenge oppression from the city dominant water systems and to create alternative waterscapes. My work draws from political ecology and urban geography literature to ask how waterscapes, or the ways society relates with water, can be re-imagined and governed with more socio-ecological equality.

Recent Publications

  1. Faustino, A. da S. (2018). The Manzanares River as it passes through the urban fabric of Madrid: the balance of possibilities between a daily water biophilia and the ecological riparian recovery. Territorios en formación, 14, 20-39.

  2. Tão, N. G. R., Faustino, A. da S., Silva, R. S., & Peres, R. B. (2017) Convergence of urban and environmental research fields in conceptual proposals towards urban sustainability: improvement and challenges. Revista Thésis, 2(3).

  3. Tão, N. G. R., Faustino, A. da S., Nunes, I. C., Peres, R. B., & Moschini, L. E. (2016). Methodological proposal for green spaces analysis: adjustments to legislation and to the quality of urban life. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 9(06), 1910-1927.

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