Rewa Marathe

Rewa Marathe

I’m a feminist urban planner from India with a Bachelors degree in architecture from the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University of Madhya Pradesh and a Masters degree in City and Regional Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. I worked as a planner in the Tri-State region focusing on the urban recovery initiatives following hurricane Sandy before moving to New Delhi to work with the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), a Ministry of Urban Affairs think tank. At NIUA I worked as a policy researcher for Urban Capacity Building, Transit Oriented Development, and Smart Cities. Now, as a PhD student at the University of Melbourne, I’m studying the impact of digital technology on the feminist advocacy for women’s right to the city in the context of increasingly digitised urban governance. My research is based in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Rewa hopes to explore the relationship between informality in the city and the perceptions of safety among women through her research.

Key Interests: Participatory planning practices, grassroots/bottom-up advocacy, advocacy evaluation, transit-oriented development, bike-ped infrastructure, right to the city, right to risk, gender and safety, gender and technology, and feminist planning

Soumya Dasgupta

Soumya Dasgupta

Alexandre da Silva Faustino

Alexandre da Silva Faustino